Serve at The West Church

Why Should I serve in The Church?

In Philippians 1:3-5, the Apostle Paul expresses gratitude, saying, "I thank my God in all my remembrance of you, always in every prayer of mine for you all making my prayer with joy, because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now." Just as Paul cherished his relationship with the Philippians believers, we desire to build strong connections with one another as we serve the Lord together and look forward to you joining us as a community.

We ask for a commitment to serving once a month for a year because your commitment will help us create a lasting impact and build meaningful connections within our congregation and beyond. We look forward to serving alongside you!

Ministry Partner Opportunities
West Kids Our West Kids Ministry is responsible for teaching biblical children’s activities and ensuring children are encouraged, enlightened, and developed by biblical teaching and now, includes our nursery of infants 6 months - 2 years old.
Prayer Ministry | Our Prayer Ministry stand in intercessory prayer for all congregants.
Hospitality Ministry Our Hospitality Ministry welcome members, guests, and visitors to church service and prepare elements for communion.
Media Ministry | Our Media Ministry are the storytellers of our church and how we highlight our ministry efforts in the church and community. They cover all channels of communications from our newsletter to social media and audio/video for Sunday service.
Operations Ministry | Help our church ensure its facilities provide members and guests with a safe and well-maintained environment.
 Worship Ministry | Our musicians and vocalists are essential to our church service, and we rely heavily on ministry partners to lead the church in worship.
Additional Opportunities | Here are some additional opportunities to get connected at The West Church. 
  • Scripture reader for Sunday worship service.
  • Assist with administrative tasks.
  • Special events team (i.e. annual Easter/Community Cookout)
  • Become a mentor at Best Elementary School.